Friday, July 25, 2008


IT648 has been the best class I have taken since I started graduate school last summer. With that I just had a thought I have been saying I have been in the program for 3 semesters but it has actually been 4 semester.WOW As, I stated I have learned so many great things in this class. Beginning with learning what to look for in a Web site that would let me know if that is the right site for me to gain the information I need. I found with this assignment as well, that our personal information is at the tip of any ones fingers. I knew you could go and find information out about someone, but never to the extent that I experienced with this search of a colleague and friend. I put in her name and city and there it was all of her information, where she worked, and addresses, it was SCARY. And many of use wonder how people get to our children, sometimes it's right there in plain view. Learning to create the Web Site and Google page this semester has been a great asset to my knowledge of technology. Those tools will help me later when I'm back in the classroom and I need to engage my students in learning by more motivating activities to have life long learners. Creating the time line I must say was the most fun. I was allowed to tell my story with pictures and dates. I really enjoyed that. I have learned so much about technology this semester while having fun and that is what I want to be able to create in my classroom.

My strong point in IT648 would have to be all of the knowledge I have gain from this class. I have also gain a stronger confidence level with technology and its many uses. Assignments no longer scare me, because I know what I'm doing. (sometimes) When I don't I know, I know I have an instructor or colleague who has always been welling to help. My weak point is that I will let doubt slip in which leads me to make mistakes, but I usually stop and come back to the project later and it always works out. I know my confidence with my assignments and technology knowledge is my strong point (not to forget my new knowledge) because I find myself being able to complete an assignment quicker, and I can and have assisted others on my job, family, as well as the Director of IT in my office with some issues. They were small issues, but I was able to step in and lend a hand. I think the weak points comes from knowing that I am in a program with people who are more advanced in their studies than I am, and it can be a little scary for a 38 year mother, with two kids, and full time job to go back to school after graduating with a BS in Social Science Education in 1994 to re-enter school after 14years with some younger students in the hottest ticket in town Technology. I must say that I have never felt more comfortable being on a computer. I no later allow the computer to tell me what to do, I give the computer the commands.

Well, I must say after this semester my weak point has been destroyed with the knowledge that I have learned these last 4 semester, and I have been able to use my knowledge and retain it. I will/have began to improve by trusting the information I have been taught and having the confidence to apply it and make it happen. I plan to integrate the technologies I've learned into the classroom by taking the tools I have learned and apply them in the classroom to improve student learning, understanding, and appropriate use of technology. One thing is for sure we will never stop learning nor will we learn all there is to know about technology, because it will continue to grow, and grow.

Dr. Yuen this is the second class I've taken with you and again I have enjoyed this learning experience. Thank you Sir for sharing your knowledge with us. I would like to say good luck and congrats to my colleagues who are graduating this Spring it has been a pleasure. Wish it were me :)

Tawana Banks

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